Hello! Thank you for your interest in my ROYAL Crush Claw mod for the [VR] Painted Sergal.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/rf6gr38kg8vm9ty/royal.png (View full sized Ad here!)
This is a texture mod for the [VR] Painted Sergal. PLEASE note that this does not include the avatar. Only scripts and a spare texture are included so you can retexture the [VR] Painted Sergal after you have purchased it, and texture additional items to match! Landmarks have been included if needed. This mod uses all original painted textures, creating a unique character for your use!
If you do not have the [VR] Painted sergal, do not buy this! It will probably not work, not even on the KZK Sergal.
**An extra texture has been included so you can mix and match parts to your mod as well.
Like always, also included is a notecard with additional information, a landmark, RGB values, and instructions for those of you who are new! If you need any help, feel free to IM me or send me a notecard with your questions. I'll do whatever I can to assist you.
Remember to always make a copy of your avatar parts before modding, and enjoy!
- Scripts to retexture the [VR] Painted Sergal.
- Options for striped mane or solid colors.
- Flexi and Solid tail options.
- An extra texture for added customization.
- Hand painted original skin work.
A very pretty unique skin
Everything shown on the image is what you get. It's my personal favorite combination of colors and it almost nails everything I like about the color combination.
A few small qualms are that this retexture does away with the "fluff" of the original, painted sergal's textures, making some parts (particularly the back and neck/face look a little flat, which connects to the second issue. The blues are very deep, and while it contrasts neatly with the gold trim, makes it very hard to see the furred texture and also may clash with more "natural" looking palletes.
While I love the design to bits, the deepness of the blue makes it hard to use it as a "main" skin for myself since it's quite harsh. However, while the loss of the more "painted fur" texture does warrant a single star loss, the deepness of the color does not; that is merely preference. If you want your Painted Sergal to pop out, this and the creator's similar products are sure to help you do so.
Overall, a great product, just wish the blues were a little less dark and more naturally colored and showed the furred texture some more. (An added suggestion would be a way to manually lighten the skin texture, but that's just my rambling.)
I bought this a day or two ago, put it on my Avi and instantly fell in love with it! Love the golden details, and the blue is like a ocean blue, so pretty! Thank you for making this gorgeous skin, I love love it!!! Awesome work!