Ai is a word for Love in Japanese, and these eyes were made to look really romantic and loving. Yes, even lunatics can love! These ones are blue. Enjoy!
Eyes are Personal Preference, but...just my opinion
You get 1 set of eyes, No sizes/No brightness choices/No options. I've gotten sizes and choices with 1$ eyes I've purchased, or even free ones. The one set you get here...are WAY to big, and WAY to dark. I have demon eyes that don't have whites in them...just pupil and black, and these are almost like that. The Model in the pic must have her eyes set to size 80, and the head size at 90, because on my average sized (45-60) head/eyes, the pupil takes up the entire socket and no whites can be seen at all. The texture is nice, and the detail is decent, but that's about all I can squeeze out for a compliment if my arm was twisted.