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[CS] Hexagon Beam Teleport Effect Version 1.00

[CS] Hexagon Beam Teleport Effect
[CS] Hexagon Beam Teleport Effect
6 Reviews

[CS]Hexagon Beam Teleport Effect.
A teleport effect that includes textures, sounds and custom color menu!

Teleport with awesome style!
With this cool teleport effect including glowing rotating hexagon, mind blowing sounds and animations,
you would bring anyones attentions and eye catching to your avatar within seconds!

- Including and easy setup function to test and reset to default colors.
- 10 Selectable parts to custom color of any parts and particle
- Triggers on rez, great for changing outfits or teleporting.
- 66 color of choice from the color menu.

* [CS]Hexagon Beam Teleport Effect(AvatarCenter)
* [CS]Hexagon Beam Teleport Effect Read me.

1. Unpack and add to your outfit
2. To open the menu for color selection, type "/5 menu" into local/nearby chat without the quotation marks.

This has been proven by many test.
We will not be held for any responsibility of any damage or lost of any kind, it's on your own risk!

* On some viewers, the mod could appear glitchy if Object LOD is set too low in your graphical preferences.
* In the event that the device stops animating, simply re-attach the device.
* This mod does not include any parts of an avatar.
* This item has the complexity of 14,092 to 224,522 during short effects.
* These scripts have only been tested upon many regions and has the same standard result unless a none-scripted zone..
* [CS] is not responsible for any damages or loss of any kind, use this product is at your own risk!
* This product contains flashing lights and particles, [CS] will not be held responsible for any Epileptic Seizures.
* We do NOT offer refunds on this product. There is no way to determine whether or not the product has been deleted after a refund is issued. All purchases are final!
* If the product is broken or lost, please contact ? via IM or Notecard with your Order/Invoice #.
* For additional information on [CS] product policy, please visit the store on the Second Life Marketplace.

  • Including and easy setup function to test and reset to default colors.
  • 10 Selectable parts to custom color of any parts and particle
  • Triggers on rez, great for changing outfits or teleporting.
  • 66 color of choice from the color menu.
Average rating: full star full star full star full star half star
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Looks pretty good.
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted September 15, 2018 by EuthymiaGervasius

Looks pretty awesome. Wish my avatar wouldn't sometimes appear before the animation triggered. Would need to completely hide the avatar when starting a teleport, and then unhide it during or after the teleport animation. I don't know if that can even be done though.

Is there a way to turn off the sound? It's kinda loud and I can see it getting me in trouble.

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This is a masterpiece!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 05, 2017 by Jayshamime

Hands down best teleporter effect i have ever seen in SL!
I have always loved gadgets in sl and this is so slick looking...5 STARS and i look forward to more creations.

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L$ 350

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TOXIC-X [CS] Design
TOXIC-X [CS] Design
Sold by: casio2000

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

This item contains wearable items for your avatar.

  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: Partial Mesh