G General

@CT@ Gypsy Vardo LH Natural Wood

@CT@ Gypsy Vardo LH Natural Wood

This caravan includes interactive capabilities designed to assist your roleplay. This functional Gypsy Vardo vehicle includes a rez on touch Camp Scene and Interior Furnishings to extend your RP possibilities. Read on for the details of this quality vehicle.

1. Multiple poses throughout for both horse and human (2 horses on outside, 2 humans on the vardo, 2 horses in the rezzed camp scene, 3 humans inside, 6 outside).

2. Changeable textures on both Inside scene and Camp scene.

3. Various RP items given on touch in the Camp scene.

4. Day-driven lighting on Vardo.

5. Your choice of rezzed scenes: Inside, Camp, Both, or None.

6. Fully functional vehicle

Your new Vardo is a fully functional vehicle that can be driven by any of the passengers or horses. To change drivers simply type /1driver <name>.

The Vardo itself includes 2 horse poses (one pulling, one following) and 2 human poses (driver, and rider on back balcony).

Touch the front of the Vardo to put the shafts up or down.

Touch it again to rez your choice of Inside or Camp. Default derezzes any scene that may be displayed. CAUTION: do NOT rez scenes when driving!

Prim counts:
Vardo = 27
Inside scene = 52
Camp = 27
Full display (Vardo + Inside + Camp) = 106 prims

****Functionality, Inside****
Touch the table or the herb pots to change the textures and colors of the following:

Rug, Drape, Cover, Candle, Herb, and Wood. There are anywhere from 4-6 options for each to allow you to create the inside scene you wish.

Touch the candle to light it or blow it out.

Poses: Rocking Chair (sewing); beds: laying + sitting

Choose between Owner Only, Group, and All access modes.

****Functionality, Camp****

Touch the Log to receive a sausage to toast on the fire.

Touch the Butterfly to receive a tambourine for your wild gypsy dance!

Touch the Coffee Pot for a cup of coffee.

Touch the crystal ball for your Fortune!

Sit on the pillows to hear your fortune.

Sit on the Crystal Ball to tell fortunes.

Sit on the rug to read an ancient book of gypsy spells.

Sit on the rose Log to watch the fire.

Sit on the Butterfly to dance those ancient Romany dances (and don't forget your tambourine!)

Don't leave your horses out: they can sit on the trees to stand and lay nearby.

Touch the stump or the tree leaves to change the colors & textures of your camp including the 3 pillos, the rug, the rose bush, and the season of the trees.

Touch the candle to light or blow it out.

Choose between Owner Only, Group, and All access modes.

The Vardo is available in five colors, each available separately. Horses not included.

Prims are copy mod no transfer. Scripting is copy/nm/nt. this is for the LIGHT HORSE mod of the Water Horse avatar. Horses not included.

  • Interactive Gypsy Vardo
  • Includes Touch on Rez Camp Scene & Interior Furnishings
  • Texture Change Options
  • For Water Horse Light Horse Mod
  • Horse Not Included