You wear this HUD on you viewer screen.
You can save camera positions where your at or where ever you camera is pointed.
You can save up to 12 positions and give them unique names.
Pick a camera position from the "Set Position" menu list and your camera moves to that position and leaves your AVI behind. (You may have to press your ESC key after your select your position to get the camera to respond to the new position.)
To get your camera back click the "Default Position"
The camera repositioning works within the draw range you have set in your viewer's preferences. I have my draw range set at 512 meters. So that's how far I can send my camera from me.
The farther you send your camera from your AVI the harder it is to control it's movements. If you want to move your camera around after you sent it a few hundred meters away, I find that if I click the magnifying glass on the Viewer's camera control, It's easier to control my remote camera.
Remember to click "Default Position" on the HUD to get your camera back. Or you can just detach the HUD.
The Main Menu of the HUD reads:
Save Position.
Set Position: positions your camera to your defined locations
DeletePosition: Deletes one of your saved positions.
DefaultPostion: Returns your camera to your AVI.
ClearAll: Deletes all saved positions and resets the HUD.
Exit: Just closes the Dialog box.
Again, if the camera seems not to move after you set a position press the ESC key a couple of times. This is a viewer thing.
Works perfectly!
This HUD does exactly what it advertises. It's very easy to use. The price is great too. A good product!
Camero position HUD
The Hud records the ALT Click position viewed exactly like Camtools but allows to give it a name. Resetting the camera position with ESC allows to test the recorded view. The Hud allows to chose adn move to another recorded camera position.
Problems :- if you move the avatar or use the viewer camera position, then you face a mess. The camera does not follow the avatar moves: the recorded view dissociates the camera from the avatar.
After TP, the camera keeps viewing the previous sim and the recorded positions are linked to that sim: using them makes you viwe from even outside the sim. The "clear all" allows to reset completely the hud, but also including the recorded position. Weird to define a camera position with the sim coordinates, instead of the avatar one.
Great hud
I tried 2 other camera position lockers but they did not work well.
Now I can switch fast and easy between the default camera setting and preset camera positions.
which I need for making video's. And with shift+Alt+H, I can hide the hud as soon as I start filming.
Just a detail or the hud does not work
Works well, but for two details. 1) And, most importantly, when you click SetPostion and click a point of view you saved-- REMBER TO CLICK ESC-- if your camera does not shift to the point of view. 2) the name of the buttons could be more intuitive and an instruction notecard would be helpful. The "SetPostion" button should be called "PickView" -- as it is where you pick your choice of view. The "DefaultPosition" should be called something like "NormalView" as it takes you back to your normal point of view. Otherwise this inexpensive hud works perfectly.