[ Ami's Original Mesh / Full Permissions ]
Camping Campfire S'more
for rez / marshmallow stick 1 LI
for wear / marshmallow stick 3 LI
for rez / S'mores 1 LI
for wear / S'mores 4 LI
- Wear type mesh is made by increasing the prim
- Wear type mesh shape is not destroyed even at a distance
- Please prepare animations and scripts yourself
each AO + UV map & Texture is packed
*** Thank you for following the rules below.
I create many full permission products for vendors.
Please follow the rules below when RESELLING my products.
If you purchased this product, you agree to the following rules.
If you plan to resell my products please read on:
(Please note that these terms and conditions are subject to change without any prior notice)
- Do NOT use my advertising image when resell. You must use the advertising image your own created.
- Do NOT resell this product or part of it as it is or with no changes. When reselling, you must use this product as part of your object. For example, link with your own objects, use animations, change textures, etc. (DO NOT resell this product as a standalone without any changes.)
- Do NOT resell as full permission. You have to set the following permissions to my object.
- Modify / Copy / No Transfer
- Modify / No Copy / Transfer
- No Modify / Copy / No Transfer
- No Modify / No Copy / Transfer
- DO NOT resell in 0 Linden
- DO NOT share with other avatars.
*If you use it for HUNT or Group Gifts, be sure to use it as part of your creation. For example, link with your own objects, use animations, change textures, etc. Do NOT use this product as a standalone without any changes.
*My mesh object can be used in Second Life only.
*If you have any questions please contact me with a Note Card.
* Please note the latest sales terms and conditions mentioned above are applicable to all my items including ones sold in the past.
Any violation of these terms of use may be reported to the DMCA.
© Copyright 2020, amiWarner