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Cantilever Bridge 1.1

Cantilever Bridge 1.1

Hyper Modern Cantilever Bridge

This Cantilever bridge is a UNIQUE design in SL. There isn't one like it! It's surely an eye-catcher. This Bridge is the ultimate way to give your harbor sim or river-sim the edge you're looking for. The bridge is modeled to a RL design from a bridge in Bruges (Belgium). You can see the real thing if you google "cantilever bridge Bruges". It's a stunning design and cutting edge technology. The bridge is touch-scripted,meaning it will open/close on touch. In CLOSED state the bridge will have barriers open for traffic,lights for on-road traffic will be green and lights for ship-traffic will be red. When touched,a bell signal will ring to warn cars the bridge is about to open and barriers will close,traffic lights for on-road traffic will turn to red. After a short period,the barriers will close and the bridge will start to open. Unlike conventional drawbridges the cantilever bridge doesn't open by hinging on one side,but rather tilts the entire structure above the water surface,creating the clearance needed to make the ships pass under it. This is a truely remarkable spectacle and inspired me to make this bridge in SL. Please check all photo's to see how the system works.The bridge is almost full mesh. The bridge is copyable,so you can rezz as many as you like. However....it's NOT alowed to rezz this object on sims or land that isn't either rented or owned by the avatar that purchased the product.So don't go rezzing this product on the sim(s) of your friends. I spend a lot of time and work creating nice products for you,all I ask is a fair reward for my work. ALL my items are very reasonably priced,so always buget friendly. Low price doesn't equal bad quality. If you're happy with the product,please be so nice to leave me a positive review. If you're unhappy with the product,it's your right to let the people know in the review as well. However,I'm positive you'll be surprised with the price/quality ratio. Bridge with concrete base and barriers is 48 prims (Land Impact) ,without barriers ,38 prims. Choose what options and details you wish to keep or delete.

  • Bridge (Cantilever system)
  • Instruction Notecard