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Spiffy Cardboard Godzilla

Spiffy Cardboard Godzilla

Oh no! There goes Tokyo!!
Go go Spiffy Cardboard Godzilla Costume!

Put on the Cardboard Godzilla, let out your best monster RAAWRRRR and take out whatever tiny village you come across! If you are feeling feisty, you can also light your friends on fire! (as long as you have rez rights)

If you feel like adding some variety, click on the costume to access the options menu.
- Change the color!
- Resize!
- Turn the fire on or off!
- Turn the spine glow on or off!

Once worn, click your left mouse button anywhere in either normal or mouselook view to shoot flames out your mouth! WHOOOSH!!!

Spiffy Godzilla Costume is compatible with the Spiffy Cardboard City buildings! Aim fire at a building within 3 meters to set it on fire! (rez rights required for this one, too.)

No land rights required to unpack!! The purchased boxed item attaches as a HUD. Click the image to add items to your inventory.

THIS IS v3.1! If you previously purchased or received an older version and have not gotten an update, simply click "REDELIVER" to get the upgrade! V3 has the fire option embedded, so no need to mess with other objects!


See item in Second Life View Video »
  • 100% original mesh!
  • Color change options!
  • Spine glow option!
  • FIRE!!!!!!
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Had To Have This!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 06, 2024 by Cinders Vale

I came to Spiffy looking for something else(which I also bought), but when I saw this costume I clicked 'add to cart' immediately. I can't wait for the chance to wear this at a Anything Goes or Giant Snail race.

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Very funny
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 15, 2024 by BxbyMoonn

I love it, you need it, is so much fun

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Awesome !
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 01, 2023 by n0th1ng Ackland

What an awesome item, I love it ! Now, I can roast everybody. Thank you.

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Instantly fell in love, an introverts dream suit. 10/10 would hide in again.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 01, 2023 by Ellesmere Starchild

this outfit has single handedly changed my life, i too can now walk amongst the living while roosting people who get to close to me. I can follow my cardboard dreams and be as goofy or serious as i wish.

Unfortunately, this makes me a target for the gang of cats that keep following me.

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Scared my dog
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 01, 2023 by Ghoulina Merrow

So, I bought this with the intent of doing a LARP reenactment of Jurassic Park with my dog. I opened up the package (great store name btw), put the costume on, which fit a little snuggly due to my love for potato chips and dip. However, once on I was looking around the room for my dog and upon clicking the ground, a great burst of flame spewed forth from my terror inducing mouth. My poor little frenchy almost got singed! She's been hiding under the bed ever since.

Perfectly terrifying, not safe around pillow forts or animals.

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Will bring immediate joy!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 01, 2023 by Sylvia Olivier

Just looking at this costume makes me think of all the ways I can interact with friends and family and for those days where I'm just having a bad hair day or maybe in a not so great mood. I can't wait to give it a try!

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