G Général

Cartoon Woodpecker Avatar

Cartoon Woodpecker Avatar

Although there are gestures included to make the use of the avatar a bit smoother, here are some chat commands for you to use should you so feel inclined. All commands are spoken through channel 5.

mad - makes the avatar frown
crazy - changes the eye texture
evil - both of the above plus a little extra
normal - returns everything back to normal
squint - squints the eyes (avatar will still blink!)
close - closes the eyes
open - opens the eyes

You may combine some of the commands, such as mad + crazy + squint for even more expressions.

Both versions come with a collar attached to either spine or chest, so feel free to delete and replace the other one if you wish to attach something else there.

All the scripts are compiled in LSL to minimize lag.

Any likeness to an existing character or person is purely coincidental/accidental. Honest.

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • Moving eyes
  • Chat AO w/ moving jaw
  • Facial expressions
  • Animated gestures
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It's very cute.
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 10/8/2022 de Zidaya Zenovka

This is a great interpretation of the character.

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