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Catacomb - Consortium Cuff - Fat Pack

Catacomb - Consortium Cuff - Fat Pack
Catacomb - Consortium Cuff - Fat Pack
2 Reviews

- Catacomb -

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 21, 2020 by Ash Kelly

I've been trying to find something like this that is half decent for years; my search is over! This thing is awesome! Its everything I hoped it would be and more! You roll the dice whenever you buy something pricy without a demo for it, but I am damn glad I did!

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Good Detail and Mesh Quality; Quick Customer Service
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 01, 2020 by Tyoro Yip

Upon purchasing the item, no HUD came included when unboxing and was unable to change the textures as advertised. I left a notecard and the creator got back to me and fixed the issue immediately and professionally (and updated the MP listing).

The quality of the item is very good, and I found it fun to mix and match textures to customize the cuffs for a couple of different avatars and outfits I had. Since the item is not rigged, it is possible to resize the item to a workable extent (but bear in mind the wrist cuff will size along with the screen/rest of the item). With some basic modding knowledge, it is possible to link two of these together as one single attachment, and alpha out the wrist and the screen respectively to achieve the sizing I personally wanted. It took a bit of manual fidgeting, but nothing too hard to do.

What would make this item better would be to have the ability to replace the animated textures on the screen with my own-- I've tried to, but they seem to reset each time.

All in all, it's the style of sci-fi wrist that I was looking for and I am overall happy with my purchase.

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L$ 499

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Sold by: CatacombStore

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Mesh: 100% Mesh