Market Price: L$249
Ceiling Surgical Light
Mesh Object : Ceiling Surgical Light with projector
2 prims Surgical Light with light beam and projector light.
Click on the arm to turn ON/OFF the light.
1. 6 Units Ceiling Surgical Light
[all with different channel]
2. 'read me' note card
3. landmark
#### SL Viewer####
if you want to see the projector shadow you have to go to Top Menu Bar
select ----Ultra--- from Quality and speed
Please watch the video here:-
or go to in-world :-
####How to adjust the LOD setting?####
Set up LOD setting to make sculpture and Mesh look a ton better by completing the following steps:
1. Open the "Advanced" menu by press Ctrl-Alt-D in Windows, or Opt-Ctrl-D on a Mac.
2. Go to "debug Setting" in menu Advanced.
3. Select 'RenderVolumeLODFactor"
4. Change the value to 10.000....done
This is a quality light. I am very happy with it!
very good work! :)
very nice and realistic look ! costumer service is super!
i recommend to check other stuff as well, it is a real quality!
be cool! stay cool! enjoy! it's worth it! :)
Excellent Light!
Looks great on my surgery set, very realistic!
Looks great, perfect for hospitals.
Please make more!