Please generate your own key and place it in the script. Otherwise this script will not work!
There are two variants of this integration
1. Bot that responds on touch (See related items below)
2. Attachment that can be worn as a personal attachment at public places (This one)
Right click on the received item and wear/add. It will add to your right ear. You need to type in your query on local chat on the same channel specified in the script. Your completion results will be displayed in local chat in a matter of seconds. It can be widely used to research topics in public groups. It can also be used as a chat bot in a club or a bar.
Since this script is full perm you can change the above behavior if you wish.
Please note we are not associated with Open AI and we shall not be liable for any results produced. We have simply integrated it for you to enjoy. :)
Please remember this is not a search engine. It is an autocompletion bot. Which means it will finish something that you start.
Example of incorrect query: Why are humans dangerous? - It will respond with a series of further question since it will think you are preparing a question set.
Example of correct query: Humans are dangerous because - It will respond with a correct paragraph stating why humans are dangerous.
It can also write code for you and prepare lists. But since this integration is text oriented, full code snippets might not appear correctly, in such a case, alter the script to say the entire body instead of searching for the "text". Please message me inworld if you need help with this.
Please contact below staff member if you need any assitance. We will be more than happy to help you :)
Nikita018 Resident
Edge007 Resident
Please do not resell this script as is. It defies the purpose of producing full perm scripts. Thank you for understanding.
1. How do I use my own key?
A: First, sign up for OpenAI API here: https://openai.com/. Once you signed up and logged in, you need to open https://platform.openai.com/, click on Personal, and select View API keys in drop-down menu. You can then create a new key and copy by clicking on the "Create new secret key" button.
2. Do I need to pay for a key?
A: You do not need to pay for a key. However if you exceed your free quota you may need to pay.
Check your free trial usage here : https://platform.openai.com/account/usage
Check your rate limits here : https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/rate-limits/overview
For other queries regarding Open AI purchases please contact Open AI directly.
3. What if I want to switch to GPT-4?
A: GPT-4 is not freely available to all. It has a waiting list and terms of acceptance governed by Open AI. Check openai.com for more details. If you already have access to GPT4, feel free to update the model in the request params and try it out. It should work. In case of any difficulties contact us.
4: I am getting an error for "Quota Exceeded"
A: This might be a case if you have been using the same key previously for some other purposes. If you exceed your free quota you may need to pay for more quota. You might also check if you are logged in using the correct account.
Check your free trial usage here : https://platform.openai.com/account/usage
Check your rate limits here : https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/rate-limits/overview
For other queries regarding Open AI purchases please contact Open AI directly.
5: I am getting an error for "Invalid Input. Error while parsing JSON"
A: Check if your query has any strange special characters. Try making a simple one liner query and check if it works like "Do aliens exist?" If it still doesn't work, check if your script is formatted correctly and if there is any special characters introduced in the script.
6: I am getting an error with just a number like 404 or some other error.
A: Check if your script is formatted correctly and if there is any special characters introduced in the script while modifying the key. You can also redelivery your product and start modifying your key with a fresh script.
7: Whom do I reach out to for help with my product?
A: Please contact Edge007 Resident or Nikita018 Resident for any queries. You can also ping us both at the same time. Either one of us will get back to you as soon as possible.
8: Can I use this script on some other object which I made/purchased?
A: Of course you can. That is the entire purpose of selling full perm scripts. However please note that you may not sell the script only as it is, without any modifications. This defies our purpose of providing full perm scripts. For any clarifications reach out to Edge007 Resident/ Nikita018 Resident.
9: I need help integrating the script with some other object that I own.
A: Please contact Edge007 Resident or Nikita018 Resident for any queries. You can also ping us both at the same time. Either one of us will get back to you as soon as possible.
- Use it anywhere
- Specify your own channel
- Owner and anyone can use the same attchment
- Use your own API key
- Support available (integration only)
Yes yes so much yes!
Thank you, i was trying to make this but no need! Its exactly what i was after, trying to use ChatGPT as a Lcars computer system from, it can now respond in such a way in local :3 love it.