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Chessboard DEMO Version 2.0

Chessboard DEMO

Fully playable chessboard, between two avatars or versus the computer.

Here is a non exhaustive list of the features of RBR Chessboard :

- Play chess versus a friend.

- Play chess versus the computer. Several available computer skill levels, from beginner to expert. Chess engine in use : Stockfish V11.

- Designed to follow Original Chess Game rules including moves like promotion, en-passant, castling.

- Prevents illegal moves. Detects and announces checkmate.

- Limited time. (optional)

- Resizable: Place one on your coffee table and make an indoor game table as you sip a coffee and play with your friends or if you desire one in your garden add the large (2ft height chess pieces) and play with friends.

Feel free to test it in our inworld store, or try the demo for free !

See item in Second Life
  • Play versus a friend
  • Play vs computer (Stockfish engine). Several levels, from beginner to expert.
  • Prevents illegal moves. Detects and announces checkmate.
  • Limited time. (optional)
  • Rated games - ranking