::Chez::Kitten:: Charme Lingerie ~ Blue (Lolas, Slink, Omega, Belleza)

***The appliers in the product have received an overhaul, see below for more details***
::Chez::Kitten:: Charme is a corset and matching knickers with black lace details and seamed stockings.
It includes multiple layer options and a sculpted modifiable bow.
Corset Layers:
Shirt (upper half)
Undershirt (upper half)
Pants (lower half)
Underpants (lower half)
Knickers come in two versions, on their own and combined with the corset lower half
Pants (also combined version)
Underpants (also combined version)
Stockings on sock layer.
Full set on tattoo layer.
Included appliers, Slink, Lola's Tango, Omega and Belleza (updated with V3 applier for Freya and Isis).
Applies to all layers, clothing, underwear and tattoo in the following combinations:
Corset upper and lower
Knickers plus corset lower
Knickers, corset lower and stockings
Redelivery of previous purchases available in store.
See item in Second Life- Belleza Applier
- Omega Applier
- Slink Applier
- Tango Applier
- Classic Avatars
L$ 100
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This item contains wearable items for your avatar.
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- User Licensed