::Chez::Kitten:: Kalei Sleepwear ~ Fatpack (Lolas, Slink & Omega)

::Chez::Kitten:: Kalei Sleepwear
***This product has now been updated to include appliers (see below)***
Kalei is a sheer floral and satin chemise with matching knickers on multiple layers.
Chemise Layers:
Shirt (upper half)
Undershirt (upper half)
Pants (lower half)
Underpants (lower half)
Knicker Layers:
Combined chemise lower plus knickers on pants and underpants layers.
Now includes appliers for Lolas Tango's, Slink Physique & Omega.
Applies to clothing, underwear and tattoo layers in the following combinations:
Chemise Upper
Chemise Lower
Chemise Lower + knickers combined
Tango Top and Bra
(Redelivery of previous purchases made after April 2013 available in store.)
See item in Second Life- Sleepwear Set
- Omega Applier
- Slink Applier
- Tango Applier
- Classic Avatars
L$ 200
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This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.
This item contains wearable items for your avatar.
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- User Licensed