Available for just L$ 50 [trans], and L$ 150 [copy], so get yours Now!
This product is meshed and can be adjusted easily on your wall!
Please Note::: Every version is a different frame
It comes in different versions, so look good which you like best for your taste
This photo comes from a lower Pixel rate, Be Warned!
- Refunds will be sent on double purchases only.
- All items are COPY unless stated differently.
- I can't change or sell any of the items other than the default permission. No exceptions.
- I do not sell full perm or make custom items, or textures.
- In case of failed redelivery please send me to NC.
- I will help you with any issue or question, please leave me a detailed notecard (NO IMs please).
Thank you :)
A nice decoration for your home
Mod / No Copy / Trans
TRANSFER item to send as a gift to somebody
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* You need to have Viewer 3 or newer to be compatible with meshes to see properly a mesh object.
©=*Chogan*=, 2022. All rights reserved. Some art Originated by Luis Royo
- Painting
- Mongol
- varnish
- Wall Art
- Decoration