Christmas gift **SD**Raphael Body ( Mesh Bom )

Christmas gift
**SD**Raphael BOM Body
Free Gift Body Male avatar
BOM Requires a BakeOnMesh viewer.
Bom Version
Full Body-Feets-Hand mesh Bom
Head mesh Bom
Full mesh body of pleasant quality
Old outfits can be used with this body using the old Alfa
The applied skin is not included in the package
You can use all your old skin in your invenctory
Based on Roth 2.0 are low-poly mesh bodies, specifically designed for SL and Opensimulator. They are built to use standard SL UV maps using scratch-built open source mesh bodies by Shin Ingen with other open source contributions from the OpenSimulator Community. (Google+ Community Page: , Github Repository:
not good
The head is better then the standard SL head but not great.
The body is not shaped right around the waist, to much belly, no hips and a curved in lower back that can not be changed right. Pants (I could not find any mesh that fit in general) stand out at the lower back and can not be fitted right.
The body / head come without any huds.
The Bento hands can go "Jazzy" (spread fingers) and I bought a seperate Bento hands hud on Market Place for L 99.00 which fixes the issue (always handy to have for other bodies with bento hands).
BUT.... what good is a mesh avatar when there are no (mesh) clothes for it...
yes I know, BOM, but realy, texture clothes with prim add-ons?
There are far better alternatives to find on Market Place for around L100.
L$ 1
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