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Circle Sofa - Black and Color

Circle Sofa - Black and Color

Welcome to Good Furniture!

We are happy to introduce our first modular furniture, the Circle Sofa. You can truly match your space. From the single units that seat four to the massive round sofas that seat 32, you can accommodate your crowd! Heck, keep combining in new and different shapes and fill the sim! Just kidding.

Some important notes:

—Please duplicate pieces from your inventory, rather than click-drag. Click-drag makes the scripts crazy.

—If the sit targets are off, use the build menu, edit linked, and reset the scripts in the pillow that is forcing you to sit on it. Then reset the sit-on-object on the pillow once it’s done. Or just rez a whole new couch from inventory.

—Yes, sometimes the animations may overlap. Four avis can’t all lie on the same couch section at the same time, for example. Your guests can work it out.


—Sit, Lounge, and Read animations for male and female avis.

—60+ animations in each pillow on each couch section.

—Concave and Concave sofa units. Mix and Match!

—6 li for the basic unit, 51 li for the large round 8-unit sofas

—Copy and Modify perms, so you can change color, fabric, and wood as you like

—Pre-assembled couches in each box include:

1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 unit Concave and Convex sofas

2, 4, and 6 unit Wave sofas

Perfect for home, shop, meeting space, and more!

Thank you for considering Good Furniture for your furniture needs!

Callirhoe Ballyhoo

See item in Second Life
  • Modular Sofa
  • 60+ Animations Per Pillow
  • Each Unit Seats Four
  • Sit, Lounge, Read Animations
  • Copy/Modify