Now with English tutorial!!
- now supports DST
- including a 2 prim digital clock script and sample
Scripts, sample and textures to build you own analog clock. All script and textures with full permission!!
German tutorial in notecards included.
- German and English Tutorial
Very good!
The scripts work great, and are thoroughly explained. Only real complaint I have is that the root prim has to be the clock base itself, otherwise the hands like to go in the opposite direction.
Amazing set of scripts, textures and samples with a perfect detailed tutorial and OMG! look at the price!! Thanks Jenni ! Im having SO MUCH FUN making clocks!
I like this script, is exactly what i was looking for. Ty, it;s easy to use and i cant believe the price. jeje
Alles Perfekt ! !!
Wirklich seh schön und verständlich das ganze ! Selbst ein noob wie ich bekommt damit ne uhr hin ! ^^
Gelungenes Tutorial
Sehr schönes Tutorial für Leute, die beginnen, LSL-Scripting zu lernen. Praktisches und nützliches Beispiel, sehr schön aufgebaut.
Nice one,
... especially since I modded it. =P
Using "Premium Identity Disc" [] and this one, I created a TRON-Clock =D
It looks awesome, makes me wish there was something like this IRL as well ._.
*goes looking for TRON Clocks IRL now*