Cocina Mágica G&S
Crea platos de comida combinando objetos G&S
Idioma en español e ingles
Actualizaciones de nuevos platos de forma automática
Low prim.
100% Mesh.
LOD safe. (Mantiene la forma al alejar la cámara del objeto)
Incluye libro de recetas con 10 platos
Caso practico : Cocinar un postre de arroz con leche.
Consigue arroz y leche.
Coloca el arroz y la leche cerca de la cocina.
Haz click sobre la cocina.
En el menú debe aparecer el botón arroz y el botón leche, en caso contrario, pulsa *BUSCAR*
Pulsa el botón Leche, la cocina cargara el ingrediente leche en primer lugar.
Pulsa el botón arroz, la cocina cargara el ingrediente arroz en segundo lugar.
El orden es importante en la receta, y no se puede rectificar.
Pulsa el botón *COCINAR* y espera atento a que el plato este listo.
Una vez terminada la cocción, pulsa sobre la cocina y recibirás un plato de arroz con leche.
Magic Kitchen G&S
Create eatable dishes mixing G&S items.
Languages: Spanish and English.
Automatically updates with new recipes.
Low prims.
100% Mesh.
LOD Safe. (Keeps the form even if you move the cam away)
Includes a recipe book with 10 dishes.
Practical case: Cook a rice pudding desert.
Get rice and milk.
Put both near the kitchen.
Click on the kitchen.
In the menu it must appear a “rice button” and a “milk button”. Otherwise click *SEARCH*
Click the Milk button, the kitchen will load the ingredient milk in first place.
Click the Rice button, the kitchen will load the ingredient rice in second place.
The order is important in the recipe and couldn’t be rectified.
Click the button *COOK* and wait aware to the cooked dish.
Once the cooking is done press on the kitchen and you’ll get the rice pudding eatable dish.
- Spanish and English.
- Low prims.
- LOD Safe. (Keeps the form even if you move the cam away)
- 100% Mesh.
- [G&S] RP Items
Works Great
Love this so much I bought two
Works great and is fun to RP with
Thank you!
Best Kitchen in SL
Seriously folks.....I was getting bored with nothing to do in SL but the same ole song and dance club, there should be more of this, I actually look forward to coming to SL now.
Low prim, very good quality and entertaining
Good kitchen, plenty of counter space.
Same base engine as other models, however this layout gives you an abundance of counter space to lay things out. Fills up an open wall nicely and many of the basic kitchen wares one would expect in the cabinetry.