The island was sprinkled with natural gigantic hexagonal mossy rock columns and hexagonal crystals of all colors. I could dimly hear Sharian the Old continuing his lecturing drone on the geological conditions that gave way to the formation of Columnar Basalt, but, in all honesty, I was to engrossed with the spectacular scenery to listen. Though, of course, I took care to nod now and then.
Cerridwen's Island
The Apprentice's Journal
FULL PERM TEXTURES: 132+ Textures (including diffuse maps, normal maps, specular maps), for:
-Red Basalt Texture Set; with 5 Column Skins (varying amount of moss covering), 5 Caps, 3 Stone tiles
-Blue Basalt Texture Set; with 5 Column Skins (varying amount of moss covering), 5 Caps, 3 Stone tiles
-Crystal Variations Set; with 10 color variations, 2 tones per color, seamless column skin and cap per each tone.
The Columns have been decided for large scale landscaping and thus have accurate physics to allow them to be climbable. If reducing the formations, switch to Convex physics to lower (a bit) the L.I.
All columnar pre-built formations have been pre-textures in ALL texture variants, to make it easier and faster for you to use. Thus, the following
formations come in Red Basalt, Blue Basalt, Red Crystal, Orange Crystal, Yellow Crystal, Green Crystal, Teal Crystal, Blue Crystal, Purple Crystal, Black Crystal, Rainbow Crystal, White Crystal.
These pre-textured formations, for a less clutter-free unpacking, come boxed in two separate boxes: [CC] Columnar Basalt Crystal Variants (Boxed) and [CC] Columnar Basalt Stone Variants (Boxed)
-[CC] C. Basalt Formation 1: 15 L.I. Large flat area with tall columns.
-[CC] C. Basalt Formation 2: 7 L.I. Small 4 tile flat area with 2 medium columns.
-[CC] C. Basalt Formation 3: 3 L.I. 5 small short columns.
-[CC] C. Basalt Wall: 16 L.I. Large bell shaped wall of varying height columns.
-[CC] Broken C.Basalt Column 1: 1 L.I. Single broken column, designed to lay half buried or on its side
-[CC] Broken C.Basalt Column 2: 1 L.I. Single broken column, designed to lay half buried or on its side
-[CC] Broken C.Basalt Fragment 1: 1 L.I. Very short column fragment, designed to lay half buried or on its side.
-[CC] Broken C.Basalt Fragment 1: 2 L.I. Very short column fragment, designed to lay half buried or on its side.
-[CC] BONUS: Basaltic Hex Floor Beta: 36 L.I. This is a large area short column "paving" with small height variations and jagged edges.
Never went beyond beta stage due to the too high land impact. Its fully textured and segmented, so its included in case
you decide to use it (or parts of it) despite its high land impact.
The set includes two palettes.
[CC] Columnar Basalt Texture Palette: 34 L.I. Includes blotches with all textures included in the pack. Each blotch has the proper diffuse, specular (with settings) and normal map information.
This is to ease texturing of your own (see more on using the texture palette in Instructions section).
The texture pallete includes blotches for:
-Red Basalt Texture Set; with 5 Column Skins (varying amount of moss covering), 5 Caps, 3 Stone tiles
-Blue Basalt Texture Set; with 5 Column Skins (varying amount of moss covering), 5 Caps, 3 Stone tiles
-Crystal Variations Set; with 10 color variations, 2 tones per color, seamless column skin and cap per each tone.
[CC] Basalt Palette: 31 L.I. Includes 21 different columnar basalt meshes, textured under the Blue Basalt color variant. The palette is shrunk to a practical size and set to CONVEX PHYSICS to reduce L.I.
-132+ High quality, original Full Perms Textures, including diffuse, emissive, normal and specular maps.
-Red and Blue Basalt (with varying amounts of moss) and 10 crystal colors (with 2 tones per color) variants!
-Accurate Physics and Modular Design make for excellent landscaping opportunities
-All Texture Variations pre-built included for ease of use
-Texture and Mesh palettes allow easy re-texturing and creation of your own formations
Wish I had bought sooner!
I've been searching high and low for a flooring or pathing type of thing that is not perfect streets and the Bonus Basaltic Hex Floor saved my life! I've been pulling my hair our trying to be happy whith what to put down for my flooring!
5 stars because
One of the best landscaping pieces. You really have to try hard not to fall in love with his work.
At last I got them!
Wanted these for ages. The amount and variation are amazing! any crystal colour you might want, not just rocky ones. Love these!
Very nicely done, lots of options
See title. Lots of options in the box. These basalt columns can be used to give any sim its own Giants Causeway, and the mesh is pretty efficient, too.
The crystal variants have a pretty glow to them that isn't overdone, if you fancy something a little more "magic"-looking.
I've currently got a bunch of these things above and below water at this slurl: - feel free to come and take a look at them in-world.