The Console is 100% Polygon Mesh and is 1 Prim/ 2 Land Impact, it's full perm per the License Agreement/Terms Of Use listed below. There are 6 faces that you can change color and shine on, this console is high detail with cup holders, gps and coin holder (see pictures).
License Agreement/Terms of Use
By buying this product, you will purchased the legal right to use this product in accordance with the terms of this agreement.
You may use this product to make your own creations, and sell it with following permissions restriction:
1. copy only
2. transfer only
3. copy/modify
4. transfer/modify.
You may NOT resell, redistribute or publish this product with full permission or with copy/transfer rights.
Any violation of these terms of use may be reported to the DMCA.
© Afresh Mesh - all right reserved