Construct - Cupcake Giver I<3U - 1 li - touch for cupcake
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Very pretty and detailled decor item. Gives to everyone who touch it a cupcake to eat.
* Copy/Modify version and
* Modify/Transfer version to gift to someone special, both is included in the package!
Size: 0.8; 0.35, 0.5 meters equates to 1 li only, Please be aware if you increase the size, land-impact will increase too.
Textures are hand painted and the mesh is materials-ready and 100% original work.
- copy/modify & modify/transfer 2 versions included!
- sweet decoration with 1 li only
- gives everyone a cupcake who touch it
- rose, petal, plate, cupcake and card all in one item
- hand painted textures