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Copyable Camp Pool Floatie with Sunbathing Animation

Copyable Camp Pool Floatie with Sunbathing Animation

! WARNING ! Do not use this to inflate traffic rating. Use on land not set to search -or- set avatars to scripted status.

Perfect to go along with your theme! Plus Camping feature can be turned off leaving you with a regular non-paying Pool Floatie!

Easy to setup. Change how much money and for how many minutes campers can earn.

Special Features Included:

* Group Only Mode
When in use only group members can Camp.
Watch your number of Group memberships explode!
Optional Custom Message for How to Join Group or Group URL.

* CAPTCHA Anti-Bot Verification
Requires user to select a word from list to Camp.
Word shown in Floating Text and list is in menu dialog.
Word and word list are sorted randomly to confuse bots.

* Minimum Age Requirement
This option allows you to set in Months how old campers
must be at least to earn, (up to 12 months.)

* Maximum Age Requirement
Don't allow avatars older than this many months, (24 max.)

* Pay Info Used/On File Required
This option requires that users are or have at one point
been Premium members of Second Life.

* Disallow Campers to be Busy

* Disallow Campers to be Away

* Easy Basic Setup
Set Amount of Lindens to Pay for how many Minutes
Set a cutoff Amount to Unsit Campers after earned.

* Owner-Only Touch Menu
Touch to Turn On/Off, Reset, or Unsit the current Camper.
Also can select a color for the floatie from 8 button choices.

* No Pay Mode for Regular Use

Special Feature allows you to set the maximum amount of dollars anyone can earn before being unsat. This gives other campers a chance to grab a seat.

Can be used as a regular non-paying Pool Floatie too!

  • Can be used as a regular non-paying Pool Floatie too!
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