Corvega sedan v6 scripted 2 passengers
Corvega sedan v6
scripted 2 passengers
version VA6
version VB6 (color black)
2016 February - April
2023 Updated
Mesh art work
Sit and drive. Working car with sound and 4 gears.
The owner sit on the truck, the passenger sit on the glass.
11.1 download
1.5 physic
2.8 server
3134 display
3.215 X 8.985 X 2.067 meters surface
11 prims land impact
2.359 X 6.712 X 1.532 meters surface
6 prims land impact
You can change the size and the scripts, textures, etc..
Copy and mod
10 Texture diffuse with bumpiness (normal) and shininess (specular), glossiness 51, environment 0,
Mode ultra viewer
Sit and drive. Working car with sound and 4 gears.
Two versions inside the box.
Available to see inworld KAOS city. Link in this page.
1. We are not responsible for the smooth running of the object if the customer makes any changes.
2. We recommend these high-quality objects using high performance viewers. (ultra).
"Fallout 4 Corvega Sedan" ( by Tamamo Fushimi is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (
See item in Second Life