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Countdown Timer (Days Hours Minutes) -- TaSteLeSS Designs Version 0.2

Countdown Timer (Days Hours Minutes) -- TaSteLeSS Designs
Countdown Timer (Days Hours Minutes) -- TaSteLeSS Designs
0 Reviews

Easy to Use: 1) Rez it. 2) Edit the Configuation notecard inside -- it's self-explanatory.

See attached images for screenshots of Timer in action, as well as the Configuration.

NO scripting knowledge needed. No script editing.

[Please read entire item description before purchasing any items on Marketplace].


Our Countdown Timer lets you set a specific DATE & TIME to count down to!

(Most Marketplace timer scripts only let you set a # of seconds, but NOT a specific month, day, hour, etc.)

YOU choose the first line of Float Text, and the color.
2nd line of Float Text will display the remaining Days, Hours, and Minutes.

When timer nears the 1 minute mark, it will automatically show the remaining seconds (91, 90, 89, 88... etc).

* A ready-to-use sample Countdown Timer object (a small, simple sphere) is included -- OK to resize, re-color, texture, make invisible, etc.
* Script & Notecard inside are copyable; OK to use in your own objects. (See PERMISSIONS info below).

PLEASE read the included Instructions notecard. It provides more information about use of the Countdown Timer, and is especially helpful if you are new to Second Life, or are not familiar with minor edits to Objects or Notecards.

- countdown to Christmas, New Years, Halloween, etc
- countdown to a birthday or other momentous date.
- countdown to start or end of a club event or contest.
- countdown timer as a reminder to do something.

- Adjust timer for your time zone or Daylight Saving time (via Configuration Notecard).
- Play a sound clip when timer reaches zero (just drop a sound into Contents).
- Rez in world as an Object, or Attach/Wear/Add to your Avatar.
- Edit the sample Timer object (manually change color, texture, size, transparency, etc.)
- Copy the script & notecard to make your own Timer objects, HUDs, attachments, etc.

- Sample Countdown Timer Object (sphere) = COPY + MODIFY.
- Script = COPY ONLY.
- Configuration Notecard = COPY + MOD + TRANSFER (Full Perms).

IMPORTANT: Script & Configuration Notecard work together; both MUST be present in an Object's Contents.
The script reads your desired setup from the editable Configuration notecard.

Questions, Problems, Suggestions: Please drop a Notecard to DreamWalker McCallister. You may also IM her, but she may not see your IM, due to SL's practice of capping (limting) the # of offline IMs received. She is not online every day, so please be patient.

  • Counts down to a Date & Time YOU designate.
  • Easy Notecard setup - NO scripting required.
  • Custom float text & colors, optional sound.
  • Sample ready-to-use 1-prim Timer object included.
  • Rez as Object, or Wear/Add on Avatar.

L$ 195

Adding to cart as gift


DreamWalker McCallister
DreamWalker McCallister

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

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0 Reviews
  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
See product details for permissions info
Automatic redelivery
Land Impact: 1