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Creepy Candy Version v2

Creepy Candy

Satanic Visions Creepy Candy is part of The Haunted Forest series and adds frightening realism to any haunted forest and Halloween environment.

The Creepy Candy contains a sensor and will temporarily rez a creepy pumpkin head and ask in a creepy voice "Do You Want Candy". The rez effect will disappear in about 6 seconds.

There is a rez delay set to prevent multiple rezes.

L$10 Cheaper In Game... visit http://freefurrywarehouse.wordpress.com/halloween-store/ for current in game location.

To keep price low, this item is no copy, no modify, no transfer.

This item requires a MESH enabled viewer.

  • Unique Halloween Design
  • Auto Rez Effects Sensor
  • Plays creepy "Do You Want Candy" Sound Effect
  • Tracks Avatar
  • Magical Particle Effects