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Swag Valance on Rod Creator Pack

Swag Valance on Rod Creator Pack

Created with flexibility and fun in mind, short & windy curtains come in 2 versions. Matching rod is also included as a 1 piece assembly and in pieces so you can easily resize it to fit any window.

Texture faces:
Curtains 2 (front & back)
Rod 2

Land Impact:
2 both curtains & rod linked at size shown (1.5 m)

Textures & Maps included:
AO Map x 5 (each curtain style & rod)
UV Map x 5 (each curtain style & rod)
Sample textures x 4

nMeshed © Terms
1. You may not: resell or give away any nMeshed © 2015 mesh object (model), texture or script with both copy and transfer permissions to another person.

2. You may: download textures to use and modify them & modify model as needed.

3. You may: share nMeshed ©2015 products amongst your other SL accounts (SL avatars you use as alts)

4. These products & products you create using them are for use in Second Life only.

Ver el artículo en Second Life
  • 100% original mesh
  • LODS optimized to level 2
  • UV maps for easy texture creation included
  • baked ambient occlusion map included
  • sample textures included
Clasificación media: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Publicado November 08, 2016 por Anrick Maven

Really beautiful set of curtains, and the curtain rod is really great, I feel almost guilty using the rod with other curtains too but what can you do. Great LOD on these. The short ones don't quite hang straight enough along the side for scripting but they do look really good, LI is reasonable (excellent 2 LI at the stock size) and take a separate texture on each side.

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