Cybersculpts the last cargo steam/sailing ship. She is 230 land impact and carries 2 avatars, Boat has very limited poses
Boat is gtfo ready just drop in your script
The boat uses the old B wind engine changed by Burt Artis to be full wwc compatible on winds currents and waves.
So besides using the regular b wind commands can also be sailed on Wwc mode.
we recomend using the boat menu for operating commands , however local chat and gestures also work
Regular chat commands for b wind, to sail on Wwc mode, boat must be moored and then type in local:
wwc. then again type raise.
To change back to B wind mod, moor the boat
Also uses rowing engine to power the boat if don't wish to use wind.
When moored Type in local:
to start the engine press page down once seated.
then up arrow to row. there is 5 speed for engine forward and reverse
When mooring engine will be available.
Engine will also work if on WWC mode when mooring.
Engine has 5 speed
Same with reverse use down arrow key .
.see note card for further instructions
I have run out of prims to display all items in world , if you need to see something not on a rezzer let me know and i will rez a version for a few days for you to check it out
- detailed mesh sail boat
- gtfo ready just ad the script
- wwc or b wind compatible
- carries two avatars