******⁂•:.♥.:•⁂~ =^.-= ~⁂•:.♥.:•⁂ ******
~Cysleek =^.-=~Mesh Civic Shirt White
Original Includes:
- Mesh Shirt (4 Sizes)
- Alfa layer
- Texture for Alfa.
Rights: Copy.
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Look ~Cysleek =^.-=~ Stuff in the blog: http://roxy-roxstyle.blogspot.com/search/label/Cysleek
See item in Second LifeExcelente!
A great gift for a low price
Decent shirt. Could be better though.
Though the alpha's kinda odd. Doesn't cover as well as it should.
I'd also like the option to change the colors at the very least! Either make it modifiable, or add a color change HUD please. :(
Great shirt, not so great alpha D:
The shirt looks good but the alpha doesn't go down far enough on my AV so my waist goes straight through. Maybe it's because they expect the buyer to be wearing high waisted pants, but I don't want high waisted paints. I mean, for 1L I can't complain too much... but it still is a bit saddening.
Has weird creases in the shirt, front & back ..like it was folded & not ironed.
Comes in several sizes, but, No Large size.
Smart Looking T-shirt
Goes with almost anything and fits good nice work !
Great Value!
I have an averaged sized muscular avi and this fits me great and for L$1! I'll definitely go check out the store inworld. Thanks to the creators for a great buy!