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-D- Colorful spleen Mimono

-D- Colorful spleen Mimono
-D- Colorful spleen Mimono
0 Reviews

Drifting like clouds into a gaz giant, the mind like to follow colorfull forms.
Someone said that it's fading too soon
Drifting and floating and fading away…

The colorfull spleen mimono outfits is an open silked vest with a matched pants imprinted with a joyfull and colorfull patern.

Made for Maitreya, it does not use any autohider , which mean you can use any kind of underwear, appliers, or BoM texture under it.

Requiere advance lighting enable on your viewer, and you might enjoy it better with a light box/reflexion box.

  • A sweet open japanese vest
  • With a matched pants
  • A japanese inspiration with colorfull waves
  • Open in the front, to display the body, or under outfits
  • requiere advance lighting

L$ 500

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Sold by: Sophinaria

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Works with Maitreya Avatars
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Mesh: 100% Mesh, Fitted Mesh