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D1&MTG RPK 1.0 + RPCS/OSIRIS, CCS Enhanced +

D1&MTG RPK 1.0 + RPCS/OSIRIS, CCS Enhanced +


Delta One & MTG Defense Inc.

Delta One & MTG Defense inc. is a SL based company, with the sole purpose of bringing the latest tactical gear and weaponry used by the military forces around the world to this metaverse.

Our premise is that on each release you will own a detailed piece of equipment/gear with excellent texturing and build on par with the real life counterpart, as well as it being built with lag in mind, not lacking of any detail for most of them being sculpty or smartly manufactured prims detailed in each phase of their making.

RPK Version 1.0 Operations Manual

Quick Start Guide
Combat Systems
Chat Command List
Version History


Once the box is rezzed on the ground touch it to create a new folder containing the RPK, the RPK Sling, the Firearms HUD and this manual in your inventory. Right click on the items in your inventory and select wear.

There are several ways to operate the rifle:
* Firearms HUD (including ammo counter):
- Click the ammo counter to reload.
- Click the small picture of the soldier to switch between standing, kneeling and prone stances.
- Click the Sling/Draw button to sling or draw the rifle.
- Click the Auto/Semi button to switch firemodes.
- Click the safety button to engage/disengage safety.
- Click the Ammo/Addons/Settings button to bring up the according menu with further options.
* Touch menu:
- Click the rifle to bring up the main menu. The main menu includes the same options as the HUD.
- When the gun is slung click and hold the sling for about one second to draw the rifle.
* Chat commands: See section for details
* Key combos:
- To reload press 'Forward + Back' or 'W + C' keys at the same time.
- To strike a melee attack make sure you are in third person view. Press and hold the left mouse button and press 'Forward' or 'W' keys. This works ONLY in third person view, NOT in mouselook, but causes damage in CCS, DCS, RPCS etc. Alternatively you can press 'Left + Right' or 'A + D' at the same time to trigger melee attack. This works in both mouselook and third person view, it does have NO effect in CCS, DCS, RPCS etc, however.

* Damage - Causes 100% damage in damage enabled areas.
* Training - Causes 1% damage in damage enabled areas.
* Tracer - Same as damage bullet, but more visible since it emits light and leaves a trail of smoke.
* Gore - Causes 100% damage in damage enabled areas. Includes impact effects like blood, sparkles or dirt, depending on what is hit.
* Combat - A simple physical bullet, works with most of the common combat systems.
* CCS - Activates CCS mode. The bullet causes -6 Life and 4 Melee in CCS sims, ONLY in semi automatic firemode (please attach your meter before loading the CCS bullet).
* RPCS - Activates RPCS mode. The bullet causes additional +2 damage in RPCS sims, ONLY in semi automatic firemode (please attach your meter before loading the RPCS bullet).

IMPORTANT: If you are going to use the RPK in combat areas please use the damage or combat bullet and turn off the effects and bullet spread.

The bullets and melee attack are compatible with most of the common combat systems like CCS, DCS and RPCS. For CCS and RPCS there are enhanced bullets. Please wear the according combat system meter before loading the bullets.
* CCS -6 Life, 4 Melee, ONLY in semi automatic firemode
* RPCS additional +2 damage, ONLY in semi automatic firemode

Default listener channel: 5

help - Get the manual.
menu - Brings up the gun menu.
draw - Rifle in hands.
sling - Rifle slung.
reload / r - Reload rifle.
stand - Standing stance.
kneel - Crouching stance.
prone - Lying stance.
semi - Semi automatic firemode.
auto - Full automatic firemode.
safetyon - Engage safety.
safetyoff - Disengage safety.

ammo - Show ammunition menu.
damage - Load damage ammunition.
training - Load training ammunition.
tracer - Load tracer ammunition.
gore - Load gore ammunition.
combat - Load combat ammunition.
ccs - Load CCS ammunition.
rpcs - Load RPCS ammunition.

addons - Show customization menu.
strap - Attach/detach strap.
bipoddown - Deploy bipod.
bipodup - Retract bipod.
bipodauto - Automatic bipod on/off.

settings - Show settings menu.
channel - Show listener channel selection menu.
ch x - Set listener channel to x (0 - 2147483647).
reset - Reset all Settings to default.
effectson - Turn particle effects, muzzleflash and shell ejection on.
effectsoff - Turn particle effects, muzzleflash and shell ejection off.
magson - Turn magazine ejection on.
magsoff - Turn magazine ejection off.
recoilon - Turn re

See item in Second Life
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Bad Ass!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 04, 2011 by Il Aura

I feel like a true soviet. свет ее до

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