[DA] Canadian+Australian Hawk-Jets Version 0.997
![[DA] Canadian+Australian Hawk-Jets](https://slm-assets.secondlife.com/assets/15725244/view_large/450L_Hawk-Jet_Canadian_Australian.jpg?1480802164)

These planes have a professionally crafted flight-script, optimized for ultra smooth sim-crossings.
The scripting includes careful aerodynamics for flight/turns, proper lift, proper stall (large reduction in speed and lift), lowering landing gear reduces speed and lift while lowering flaps reduces speed and reduces stall speed, and there is proper flight dynamics such that slow speed causes controlled descent (even with nose up) enabling soft-landings
Smooth and responsive, great for beginners and a joy for experienced pilots. Because they have a fully functional copilot (or passenger) position, you can take friends for flight rides, and even let them try learning how to fly.
These plane have a shiny brushed-steel mesh body, and are very closely modeled on the British BAE-Hawk which are used as either a jet-trainer and/or a light-combat jet by many countries (it is *very* similar to the French-German Alpha-Jet which is its main competitor).
HOT NEWS!! -- In addition to this Canadian RCAF Hawk and this Australian RAAF Hawk, it is also available as a British Bae-Hawk and American Gos-Hawk
- - the British built T-1 BAE-Hawk is used by their F.T.S. (Flight Training School),
- - the US Navy+Marines use the Boeing built T-45 Gos-Hawk in their carrier based flight schools
-- see the related items below.
These SecondLife planes can be fully operated by their pilot (or copilot !!) using keyboard movement and chat operations commands, but also includes a screen HUD for most commands which also displays operating data (the same as on the on/off Hover-Text info-display).
And the package includes a "Surrounding-Sim-Display" which is an SL visual G.P.S. showing your position and direction in your current region and the 9 surrounding regions.
Come in-world to Try-and-Fly at:
- Unity Airport: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Annyong/72/138/58
- Smooth and responsive, great for beginners or experienced pilots
- Professionally crafted flight-script, optimized for sim-crossings
- careful aerodynamics for flight/turns, lift, stall, soft-landings, etc
- Nice brushed-steel mesh body
- Fully functional copilot (or passenger)
Fantastic planes!
These are just super planes. Hands down! They go fast and take sim crossings very nicely. Don't miss out on these!
Excellent plane. Loved every moment of it. So much fun. Buy it, Fly it & Love it!