G Général

DBF-Design-Bodysuit Set Edition4

DBF-Design-Bodysuit Set Edition4


▶Bodysuit Set Edition4◀



➀:2 Slink Sizes - Physique & Hourglass (Bodysuit&Pareo)

➁:1 Maitreya Size (Bodysuit&Pareo)

➂:1 TMP Size (Bodysuit&Pareo)




●No Modify
●No Transfer

☑ This item is 100% rigged mesh ☑

Sometimes you must use your Alpha Hud by meshbodys or adjusted your shape

The picture has been taken with Maitreya Lara Mesh Body

If you have any problem or delivery issue, feel free to IM me in-world (DrBalu Fireguard) or send me a notecard.

Thanks for shopping at DBF-Design

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