G General

(DCS) Freedom Falchion (DCS2)

(DCS) Freedom Falchion (DCS2)

Crimson Sun DCS Sword:

Scripted to work with the DCS2 combat system and many other systems within Secondlife.

Sculpted blade with highly detailed well textured hilt and sheath aswell as custom scripted with the ability to switch animation styles via hud or gesture.

Package includes:
-Sword and Sheath, 2 versions - Worn/Drawn from hip or Back.
-Hud and Gestures for drawing/sheathing and switching animation style.
-Bonus Sword display case for personal enjoyment of the weapon.

Longswords/Claymores include 2 Sword Fighting styles, One handed and Two handed sword techniques.

Crimson Sun Designs

See item in Second Life