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[DDD] Sensible Bookshelves

[DDD] Sensible Bookshelves

1 land impact, LOD optimised (never disappear/triangulate), materials enhanced tall and short pieces.

You’ll get 5 wood texture choices, several of which are tint-friendly, as well as 8 textures for the books. A full permissions book texture is available for you to DIY your own.

Additionally once you have finished with the texturing (and deleted that script), please feel free to use one of the included (object or notecard) giver scripts to make them more interactive for your space.

See item in Second Life
  • Low prim, low poly, well optimized, real lod levels
  • Texture Change for white wood, brown wood, black wood, aged wood
  • 100% Mesh, Original design, texture change books, pink books, orange books
  • Fully Copiable, copyable, modifiable, mod, copy, 1 land impact book case
  • Unique Design, Not Stolen, Hand-Made Mesh book cases, bookcases, bookshelf