G Geral

DEM China Doll Mask (Boxed)

DEM China Doll Mask (Boxed)

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind those Mardi Gras masks? What people are saying or what they look like. Now you can make people in SL wonder just the same. This China Doll mask obscures your features and will also obscure your speech :)

Yes, this mask is really a gag that, in addition to normal gag modes has a special China Doll mode that limits the wearer to emotes selected from the enclosed notecard. The notecard is changeable and others can be added for other modes.

The gag uses Smart gag technology. It's something we developed and means that the mask is aware of other RLV restrictions, should you happen to get into a zone where no chat is allowed, well, you won't be able to chat! If only short emotes are allowed, you will only make short emotes! But, then, that's how it should be, right?

Want to make the wearer into a statue? Freeze them and turn on the "Silence" mode!

It's highly configurable and lots of fun to wear.

  • RLV Restrictions
  • Smart Gag Technology
  • Configurable pet modes
  • Multiple owners
  • Public mode