***This is a DEMO version***
I wanted to bring the fresh season (Summer!) to my shop, so I created these Sunglasses with lots of roses. This is a very limited edition – ONLY 5 AVAILABLE! When they're gone, they're gone and won't come back. So get your own.
Suitable for: Classic aviatars, Furries (Kemono 100%), Male models, Slink avi, etc..
100% ORIGINAL unrigged mesh created by Winny Choo.
+ 1 LEYAH glasses SMALL (linked)
+ 1 LEYAH glasses BIG (linked)
+ 1 small single ROSE
+ Left ROSES
+ Right ROSES
+ Right 2 ROSES
+ AO & UV maps for the ROSES
+ 3 textures for the ROSES
+ Single GLASSES
+ AO & UV maps for the GLASSES
+ 3 textures for the GLASSES
+ Link to .PSD file
+ terms and conditions notecard
+ DAE files will be sent upon request via email (my email is included in the .psd link notecard)
Please try the provided DEMO before you buy. No refunds are possible for full permission products.
If you're happy with the product I'd really appreciate if you take the time to leave a quick review! Thank you ♥
*** Winny Choo - TERMS AND CONDITIONS ***
License and terms and conditions of use for my full permission 3D models, full permission Photoshop files and full permission textures:
As you buy any of my full permission 3D models, Photoshop files or textures you agree with this license and it's your responsibility to behave properly and not violate any of the terms and conditions written below.
- use the 3D models/textures for personal and/or commercial creations or projects within Second Life®.
- edit/modify the 3D models/textures within or outside Second Life®
- use or include the original or edited 3D models/textures within any kind of full permission creations or builds within Second Life®.
- resell, share or distribute the original or edited/modified 3D models/textures individually or as a 3D model or texture collection/pack.
- claim the edited or modified 3D models/textures as your own creations and use them for personal and/or commercial gain within or outside Second Life®.
- remove the license or any other part from the pack and resell or redistribute the product.
- sell products made from this product for less than 99L$.
All the 3D models, textures and Photoshop files are owned by WinnyChoo and real life counterpart.
Copyright © 2014/2015
- Textures included
- Multi faceted meshes
- Easy to colorize it yourself!
- Make your life full of roses.