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DEWFALL Helhis Shapes for Kupra Kups & Lelutka Ceylon and Lilly

DEWFALL Helhis Shapes for Kupra Kups & Lelutka Ceylon and Lilly

Modifiable Bento Shape & brow

This shape was designed wearing the Inithium Kupra Kups body and Lelutka Lilly Head, great with Lelutka Evox Ceylon Head too.

Each adjustment was carefully considered for maximum beauty.

Style Card included to realise precisely this look, with links to the stores

Store in SL is underconstruction ♥

For any question, IM me in SL world : Helhis resident

  • Shape based on Lelutka Lilly Head & Ceylon Head
  • Sexy with generous curves for INITHIUM KUPRA KUPS body
  • Unique beauty !
  • Looking like an angel :-)
  • You can copy and modify this shape