G General

DFS Beehive

DFS Beehive

Produces : Honeycomb
Requires : DFS HUD & care
Growth : 5 days

Resizer inside : rez item, choose what size you require and 'Disable' the resizing script.
Don't worry, should you wish to change the size in future, just re-rez your item.

1. Rez your beehive.

2. Click to access the menu, choose 'Care' and then hold your mouse pointer over the hive until you see the Secondlife Sit Icon, and left click to sit.

3. Click the Care button on your DFS HUD 10 times, or until the hive's hovertext states 'Care :10/10'.
You will need Energy in your DFS HUD to complete this action. You can also use a clicky item, to bypass using Energy.

4. Wait the allotted time for your hive to produce it's honeycomb and then click the it - choose 'Harvest' and hover your mouse pointer over the hive until you see the Secondlife Sit Icon, and click to sit. You will un-sit automatically and the DFS servers will send you your honeycomb.

It'll be easy to see what stage your honeycomb is as the hovertext changes colour :

Purple - need care
White - processing
Green - ready to harvest

You will need a DFS Prep Table to process your honeycomb into a Honey Jar or Wax


Digital Farm System (DFS) is a fun, interactive, and progressive farm system that allows you to grow crops, raise animals, fish, and prepare food from tons of delicious recipes, and trade-able products.
With DFS you can stock a store, own a diner, or enjoy a simple "getting back to nature" relaxing farm life.

Read more about the system on our website https://www.digitalfarmsystem.com

**NB Marketplace does not give us alerts when a review is posted, so if you have any issues with our products please contact us directly to receive the appropriate assistance in a timely manner.

In-world Support group : secondlife:///app/group/c365d031-cb76-5c17-f8b8-a1379fe4c9b3/about

Discord : https://discord.gg/Qsu6W4PAhZ

or contact a CSR directly from boards at our Main Store - landmark below

See item in Second Life