DL Away Message v1.0 Version 1.0

DL Away Message v1.0 is a tool for keeping the world informed of your current afk status. It will publicly announce your chosen away message at a regular interval of your choosing, and has the additional option of displaying the message in text above your head in one of several colors.
[17:10] /6 away running errands. be back later
[17:10] DL Away Message v1.0: Cricket Rossini is now away: "running errands. be back later"
[17:15] DL Away Message v1.0: Cricket Rossini is [Away: running errands. be back later] [Since: 17:10:46 SLT]
[17:17] /6 back
[17:17] DL Away Message v1.0: Cricket Rossini is back from away. [Gone: 6 mins, 24 secs]
Syntax: /6 away
Example: /6 away Cooking dinner
This command will announce the specified away message inworld, and display the message as text if that option has been activated. The message will be repeated inworld every few minutes, depending on the setting of the timer.
Syntax: /6 back
Example: /6 back
This command will announce your return from away, and calculate the duration of your absence.
Syntax: /6 color <color>
Example: /6 color chartreuse
This command controls the color of the floating text displayed when that option is active. Valid options for color are: Aqua, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White, Yellow, Black, Gold, Chartreuse
Syntax: /6 help
Example: /6 help
Calls up this notecard.
Syntax: /6 hide
Example: /6 hide
This command renders the device invisible.
Syntax: /6 show
Example: /6 show
This command renders the device visible.
Syntax 1: /6 text on
Syntax 2: /6 text off
Example: /6 text on
This command controls the visibility of floating text displayed in away mode. When text is enabled, the away message will be shown as text above the device.
Syntax: /6 timer <minutes>
Example: /6 timer 10
The timer command controls the frequency of away message reminders announced inworld, measured in minutes. The default frequency is 5 minutes.
Handy tool, better service!
This product is a handy little device, simple, clean and does what it says it will do. More importantly for me, the designer responded to my questions in a very timely fashion and went out of his way to help me resolve picky issues I had that he had no obligation to deal with. Truly a great vendor.