DL Notify List v1.1 - See who's online Version 1.1

DL Notify List v1.1 is designed to track the online status of a list of names supplied by the owner. This list can consist of any residents of Second Life and there is no requirement for the users to be on the owner's Friends list. Up to 50 names can be tracked simultaneously.
In addition to displaying which names are online, the hud can optionally alert the owner as users log in or out of Second Life allowing for greater efficiency in correspondence.
In development since 2006, DL Notify List v1.1 is the original friends tracker.
New lower price of L$175 - if you have purchased this item for a higher price in 2015 please contact me for a rebate
- Track up to 50 names or keys
- Accurate data independent of Friends list
- Notification of log on / log off events with optional sound alerts
- Multipage display format
- Custom ordering and coloring
- Sleep mode
- Developer interface protocol
- DL Update system
DL Notify List v1.1 can be worn as a hud for private use or rezzed inworld for public display.
Example uses
- Wear to see at a glance which friends are online
- Wear on your alt account to be alerted when your friends log on
- Wear to track down your business contacts or landlady
- Display in your store to show which staff are currently online
The system functions independently of Second Life's presence server and will continue to display accurate data when the presence server is non functional. This makes the hud an ideal backup to your Friends list, particularly when reliable communication is of high priority.
By contacting people when they're online you can feel assured that you are not contributing to the capping of their IMs, making life easier for everyone and allowing issues to be resolved much more rapidly.
DL Notify List v1.1 additionally features an interface for developers to harness the data for their own scripts.
View product documentation below.
Download instructions See item in Second Life- Track up to 50 names or keys
- Accurate data independent of Friends list
- Notification of log on / log off events with optional sound alerts
- Custom ordering and coloring
- Developer interface protocol
It disappears as soon as I touch it in the Standard SL Viewer
It disappears as soon as I touch it in the Standard SL Viewer on a 1920x1080 screen.
DL Notify List v1.1 does not work.
Unfortunately this product is filled with bugs. I initially could not get it to work at all but finally was able to get it to list only a few names instead of all the names of who is online, no matter how long I waited for it to load, it does not ever show more then one or two names. I had it side by side with my other notifier to test it. It does not recognize UUID keys for me at all. I attempted to contact Dimitrio Lewis 4 separate times on 4 different days with notecards, messages and a bug report via the instructions but have not received any response at all to any of it. I also included that I would like a refund since it does not work for me. The instructions offer a 30 day guarantee for a full refund but in spite of first asking for a verification that I had loaded it properly ( I have now confirmed on my own that it is loaded exactly as the instructions state) and asking for the refund, I have not heard back or been given the refund. I am hoping this 5th and final attempt to receive my lindens back will get a response. If so, I will revise my review but unfortunately this Notifier does not work as it states it should. I am very disappointed as I had high hopes for a notifier that would handle 50. The one I use only takes 20 so I am looking for one that actually works and takes more avatars. If anyone knows of one, please message me? Thank you.