Thank you for choosing DarkMoon for your shopping!
(This item work only with the Dinkie Avatar)
You are buying Hybrid Dragon Cat Costume and contains:
Outfit: Shirt, Pant and Shoes.
Unriggid Wings statics (No Bento) with animation script and resize, will move only when you fly.
Unriggid Dragon Horns with resize
Hybrid Face Tattoo (Only for Dinkie Cat Avatar if you are a Sphynx or Bunny, IM me and i will make the tattoo for you)
Scar Face Tattoo (Only for Dinkie Cat Avatar if you are a Sphynx or Bunny, IM me and i will make the tattoo for you)
And The Breath Of Fire.
I remind you that you can find us INWorld for other products and discounts.
You can contact me for anything related to DarkMoon Fashion