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DMMd Clear Outfit Mesh Version 1

DMMd Clear Outfit Mesh
DMMd Clear Outfit Mesh
2 Reviews

A costume of Clear from the BL Sci-fi themed game DMMd.


(You must know how to use "Select Texture" to tint specific parts.)

This mesh outfit is made only for default SL avatars, and NOT proven compatible with any mesh body. Please make sure you have tried the demo first!

It has been tested with the Nauha mesh body and fits on smaller/slim shapes with the appropriate alpha masks selected.
It should fit most mesh bodies which have alpha options.
Please try the demo to be sure!


Hello, and thank you very much for your interest in my DMMd Clear Outfit! It is an unofficial cosplay costume of the character named Clear, from the game Dramatical Murder.


**Alpha Glitch?**

If any items have alpha glitch where parts look inside-out or transparent when they shouldn't, please read this.

To fix this:

- Right-click and edit the object.

- Go to the "Texture" tab. If you don't see it, press the long 'downwards arrow' on the bottom of the edit window to expand the window,

- There is a drop-down box under "Alpha Mode", set it to None, and that should fix it.


**Modification and Backup**

Please be aware that this mesh outfit cannot be re-sized, and is intended for small and slim avatars(~6 ft or 180cm) using the default SL body.

Due to being mod, always be sure to make a back-up copy of everything you may edit, in-case the textures accidentally mess up and cannot be recovered. Most of the mesh is multi-faced, so please use "Edit Selected Faces" if you wish to modify or tint part of the mesh.

If you bought this at the main store in-world, replacements can be retrieved through the redelivery terminal at the main store.
However, it's possible that I may not be able to provide a replacement if you have bought this on SL Marketplace and too much time has passed.

This is because the Marketplace does not keep records of sales after a certain amount of time, making it unreliable, and therefore I would need other proof in order to prevent scamming. The best method would be to meet in-world to ensure you do own and are wearing the authentic product on your avatar.


**Coat Types**

There are two types of the top for the coat.
The "Clear Top (with shirt)" includes the undershirt, while the "Clear Top (shirtless) has no shirt under the coat.
There are two different alpha layers you can wear for each type. Please be sure you match them depending on which one you wear.



There are alpha layers incuded, along with the textures which are full perm, so you can edit it as needed by exporting the texture and using an alpha-enabled paint program such as Photoshop or Sai.
Alpha layers are only intended to work on Default SL bodies, and will probably not work on mesh bodies.

Non-Rigged Parts:
There are non-rigged accessories included.
They are the scarf, mask, and gloves/watch.
If they do not fit, you may manually resize them, or hide it by using "Edit Linked Parts", and making it 100% alpha, or rezzing the item and delinking the prims.



If there are problems or if you need help, please make an effort to contact us before posting a review about any faulty products, as these problems are experienced rarely with proper instruction, certain graphic or PC settings, and do not reflect the actual intended product quality.

If you have any questions or need help, please feel free to contact Kouki Elska.

Also feel free to join the Audax Update Group, in-case there is an update for this set, or if you would like to keep up-to-date with any other things by us. There may also be random group gifts given through notices.

Audax Inc. Update Group:

See item in Second Life
  • Mostly-rigged mesh outfit, fit for ~5-6ft default body avatars.
  • Made for slim and small avatars.
  • Manually tintable(with 'Select Texture' tool).
  • Non-rigged parts can be adjusted via edit mode.
  • Free updates.
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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  • 1 star:
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 06, 2015 by Acheron Luminos

Love it! Needs to be in bigger sizes but wonderfully done. Hope you make more dmmd stuff

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 26, 2014 by Kiku Yokosuka

*Squeals and dies* PERFECT....really...just perfect! Thank youuuu! :D

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L$ 250

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Get the demo version
Audax Inc. (All Items at Mainstore)
Sold by: Neco Softpaw

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

This item contains wearable items for your avatar.

Works with Classic and Mesh Avatars
More info
  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
See product details for permissions info
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh