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DOMO-K Shoulder Pet Brown

DOMO-K Shoulder Pet Brown


(Available in Brown or Pink as Shoulder Pets and also Walker Editions now available too)

What is it?
DOMO-K is a little shoulder pet version of the popular Domo Kun character with built in animations and chat bot and random greeter.

Your pet will sit on your shoulder (by default). And happily blink its little eyes and sit down and stand up randomly. It also waves and spins round and falls on its face!

It will also send a random message to nearby avatars at random times. And it can give out a notecard and a landmark to anyone who touches it :)

But best of all, it can talk to anyone about any subject and just about answer any question thrown at it via its built in pandora chat bot. Basically, ask it anything!!!!

You can rename your pet and also edit its in-built in messages via a simple notecard. You can even add your own chatbot question and answers which is virtually unlimited thx to Pandorabot service. Basically you have full control over anything your pet can say - or be asked for that matter.

It does'nt even have to be a shoulder pet! You can rez it to the ground and have it on your land if you wish! And of course resize it and rez as many as you wish.

And at just 18 prims it won't eat up your land's prim use. Or indeed bog your AV down with attachment lag! YAY!

So there you have it, a great looking product which gives you total control over most aspects. Again not something other chat bots on SL have delivered.

How do I use it?
Simply rez the box and copy the contents to your inventory. Goto the folder and WEAR your pet. By default it shall sit on your shoulder.

Your pet is ready to use straight out of the box. No need to do/edit anythin at all.

When it is on your shoulder, it will load its config and messages. When done, you can type stuff like:

Domo I love you
What time is it domo
domo sing a song
what is the capital of scotland domo
tell me a joke domo
domo sing another song
mwah domo

(Basically ask it anythin at all, as long as you use its name in your question)
*Domo is one of the random names, your pet may be named different upon Rez*

How do I rename it?
1: Wear it on your shoulder. And left click it. (Or Rez it to the ground - either is fine)
2: Now Right Click and choose EDIT from the PIE menu.
3: Goto the 'Content' tab on the right to see the pet's inventory.
4: Double click on the 'config' notecard.
5: Change the name from Random to one of your choosing. eg. name:fluffy
6: (name:Random simply selects one name from a list of 20 built in names)
7. You can also choose to show its name or not and a colour for the text.
8: Save your changes and come out of Edit mode.
9: Your pet will reload your settings from the 'config' file automatically.
10: Your pet will start to work again and be ready for action with its new name etc.

The Random name feature will produce a random name from ones built-in to the scripts. Please note that this will produce a random name each time you wear/rez your pet. So it's always a good idea to actually use a name of your choosing.

When people click on it, the messages it says are very funny! But can I change those messages?
Of course you can. Simply follow the steps 1 to 4 above. But at step 5 double click the 'messages' notecard. Change them to suit. Then continue to step 8 above.
The messages will be said randomly to any nearby avatar at random timest.

***Your pet will have a look around you at various intervals (It will choose a random time between 10 and 30 mins).
It will pick one avatar from anyone around you and say one of the 'messages' from the notecard to them. Even calling them by their name. ***

I want to give out a landmark for my store, can the shoulder pet do this?
Yep, it can give out a notecard and/or a landmark to anyone who touches it. Simply right click your pet and choose edit from the pie menu. Now click on the 'content' tab in the edit window. You will see the notecard and landmark for Ultrateque in there (along with the config and messages etc.). Simply delete both the Ultrateque landmark and notecard.

If you have your own landmark for your store/club, drag it from your Inv to your pet's content. Same applies to a notecard you may have.


*Please note the FREE chatbot service can and does go down from time to time. You are paying for my time on time to create the product and not for the free chatbot service. Thank you.*

Please read the guide I have included.

Full instructions included in the box.

See item in Second Life
  • Built in chatbot (ask it anything)
  • Sculpted Prims.
  • Over 50 frames of animation
  • Says messages to random avatars
  • Gives out LM and NC on touch
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 02, 2013 by Shayna Korobase

Cutest thing EVER!!!! I wear it as a cleavage pet and OMG it's so cute and funny lol

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