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-DRD- Scarlett Hotel - Scarlett Hotel full set (add)

-DRD- Scarlett Hotel - Scarlett Hotel full set (add)

This listing is for Scarlett Hotel created by Death Row Designs. Your package includes:

-DRD- Scarlett Hotel - Scarlett Hotel full set
Scarlett Hotel full set includes:

- Scarlett Hotel Ballroom/Theatre Rezzer v1.0
- Scarlett Hotel Rezzer v1.0
- The Scarlett Hotel /Theatre exit
- The Scarlett Hotel walkway to Ballroom

-Bar Royal set
-Bathroom set
-Bedroom set adult
-Bedroom set PG
-Bistro set
-Curtains set
-Kitchen set
-Le Basilic set
-Pemberton's office set
-Trixie's set
-Frame set
-Joubert couches - ADULT
-Joubert couches - PG
-Security office desks
-Black and white room
-Dirty laundry
-Grande Chandelier
-Guest book
-Hargrave ceiling Light
-Indoor lights
-Janitor's shelves
-Lobby - Armchairs
-Lobby - Chairs
-Lobby - Decor table
-Lobby - Key cabinet
-Lobby-lobby clutter
-Lobby - Table
-Luggage carts
-Menard couches - ADULT
-Menard couches - PG
-Outdoor lights
-Park bench & lantern
-Pool - Lockers
-Pool - Stacked tables and chairs
-Renovation Materials set
-Restaurant terrace table
-Sign set
-Terrace tables and chair
-Theodore chairs
-Theodore couches - ADULT
-Theodore couches - PG
-Tool shed
-Tool shed empty

Deets for the hotel build:
90x90 hotel
40x65 ballroom
30x20 Walkway

3507Li hotel
1005Li ballroom
Walkway 138Li
separate exits 52Li

4650 Hotel + Ballroom with mid walkway in between
4616 Hotel + Ballroom with 2 separate exits
1057 ballroom Solo +exit

Available to view in our main store. Purchase inworld and receive a 5% store credit towards future purchases.

FLICKR: https://www.flickr.com/groups/3141433@N23
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/DeathRowDesigns

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Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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i love it
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 01, 2023 by RoseyRedAngel

i love the whole package and that it is modify

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