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(DS) BelliBin for Bellisseria Version 103.2

(DS) BelliBin for Bellisseria

This package includes the BelliBin waste bin and a simple HUD for finding non-empty bins. You should also acquire the BelliFind HUD (see related items) which works better at finding bins and also finds pinned locations, which are nearby places of interest as established by a BelliPin.

BelliBin V2 is a free waste management roleplaying game for citizens of Bellisseria in Second Life and is for ALL types of Linden Homes. You fill your BelliBin with trash and others empty it.
The BelliBin bin and BelliBin HUD have new minimal LI mesh, created by Sebastian Serpente™.
You can configure your BelliBin to autofill once a week. This allows collectors to roleplay trash collection even if you are not around to add trash regularly (or do not wish to).
Built-in types include Trash, Yard Debris, Recycle, Toxic Waste, and Bio Hazard. You can change the color of any type via the menu. You can configure clean, dirty, and used appearances. You can apply custom textures for the logo and the icon (used to indicate recycling).
You can open and close the BelliBin lid by touching it.
Shows waste levels for "empty", "half-full", and "full".
The BelliBin HUD automatically finds BelliBins you can empty when you enter a region.
The BelliBin HUD works only in Bellisseria.

See item in Second Life
  • For ALL types of Linden Homes
  • Fill Bins and Collect Trash (vehicle not included)
  • Trash, Yard, Recycle, Toxic, and Bio. Colors. Lids open/close. Trash levels.
  • HUD to Locate BelliBins you can empty. Autofill option.
  • New mesh bins and hud, autofill option.
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Enjoyed filling this and dropping gachas in them
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 14, 2025 by Kalia Anatine

Sad no one does this anymore. It was fun to drop in gifts and watch people come find them.

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Great way to explore and meet your Bellisseria neighbors!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 07, 2021 by Love Ghostraven

This is so much fun, because it's free, and you get to explore all sorts of beautiful places around Bellisseria. I even made some new friends while looking for BelliBins to empty, as well as getting to know the person who is kind enough to empty the bins at my home (always on time, every Saturday)!

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Great fun!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 24, 2020 by TheGhostOfGhost

Beautifully made, super easy to set up and great fun, makes a wonderful interactive detail. A nice old tramp strolled by and emptied mine on Saturday. Recommend 100% to all Bellisseria residents.

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Love it!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 28, 2020 by Vana Gears

It was fun looking for weird things to add as gifts for emptying.

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great item great price great fun to be had
full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 03, 2019 by Saphyre Cyberstar

This item is awesome and EVERYONE on Bellisseria should have one at there house is only two land impact!! get your today \*^*/

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Real great fun.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 30, 2019 by foneco Zuzu


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