The Mesh Objects in this set will not increase the Land Impact, no matter how big it is enlarged.
Terms of Use
The *DS* Hexagon objects may NOT be given away or sold with full perms.
They are for use as part of your Second Life creations which may only be sold with partial perms.
That means:
You have to set the Next Owner Permission to (no copy) or (no transfer).
Allowed: (modify) (copy) (no Transfer)
Allowed: (modify) (no copy) (Transfer)
Allowed: (no modify) (copy) (no Transfer)
Allowed: (no modify) (no copy) (Transfer)
Not allowed: (modify) (copy) (Transfer)
Not allowed: (no modify) (copy) (Transfer)
Not allowed: resell or give away free
Not allowed: resell or give away stand alone
Affected Content:
All contained Items with full permissions which begin with *DS* Hexagon in the name.
A violation of this license is contrary to the Second Life TOS at §7 Content Licenses and Intellectual Property Rights.
Example Objects & Script
The example objects are (no transfer) and for show whats possible only.
The scripts inside the examples are (no modify) & (no transfer) and not a component of the *DS* Hexagon set.
The Scripts are for personal use only.
When you use the scripts make sure that you not link more than 50 links.
Thats necessary for prevent LAG.
When you make a large ground with 200 links, make 4 linksets with each 50 links for it and each script has not much to do.
It is better to use 4 scripts instead of one for all, because when nobody stay on the other linksets the scripts do nothing.
You can see and inspect an example inworld:
See item in Second Life- Hexagon Mesh (fullperm)
- easy texture offset
- no bottoms surfaces
- 18 different versions
- Land Impact 0.5 each