Quick guide for the *DS* TP-HUD 3
Detailed instructions with pictures can be found on the german website:
[ Debug, Status, Update, Reset, Info & Help ]
● Debug
This feature show you in local chat for all scripts an error message with owner-name.
● Status
Thats the region status shown as floating text below the hud.
here you can see: max prims - usex prims = free prims , agents in region , region DIL , region FPS , percentage LAG
● Update
This function works only at the mainstore region.
● Reset
Resets the Hud to factory settings.
● Info
With that you can save and restore your personal hud settings.
There is also the script time of the hud itself.
(Note that the script time depends on the region performance and fluctuates a lot.)
● Help
This help note and creator profile.
[ Grid Status, User Online, Exchange, Position, Rezzer & Custom... ]
● Grid Status
The official grid status by Linden Research: https://status.secondlifegrid.net/
● Live Stats
Current active accounts
Current exchange rate US$ to Linden$.
Current number of logged-in users.
● Position
Useful information about the current region.
● Rezzer
Many useful tools, each one will be rezzed 2 meters in front of you.
For expand use the following code inside your tool and put it your tool into the rezzer link.
on_rez(integer Dae)
vector size = llGetScale();
llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_POSITION, llGetPos()+<0.000,0.000,size.z/2> ]);
● Poofer
Particle Emoter (Poofer) Added, usable with the relay *DS* TP-Poofer or *DS* Tiamat
● Custom...
It's kind of like a learning gurney remote.
You can create 12 individual buttons with 11 characters each in the '! TPH_Custom...' notecard.
[ Effects, Anims, Sounds, Summon, Preview & Favorites ]
● Effects
Selection of installed effects, wearing a relay replaces the menu with individual functions.
Installed effects can be set for TP & Summon.
Relays can be set for TP only
Toggle effects with the LED.
● Anims
Selection of installed animations.
Installed animations can be set for TP & Summon.
Toggle animations with the LED.
● Sounds
Selection of installed sounds.
Installed sounds can be set for TP & Summon.
Toggle sound with the LED.
● Summon
Only works when using the installed favorites.
Toggle summon effect with the LED.
● Preview
Shows you your complete composite effect TP or Summon at once.
● Favorites
You can expand this menu too.
Just open the map, copy the SLurl and paste it behind a name seperated with an @ in a new line ot the '! TPH_Favorites' notecard.
The 'TP2Ground' button teleports you to the ground and gives you a back link in the local chat.
[ Profile, Agent Info, Attachments, Objects, Radar & TP 2 Cam ]
● Profile
Useful to find an avatar profile if you only know the name.
● Savety Tool
A lot of interesting information about a desired avatar, you can scan anyone.
Fullperm Security orb available n the Rezzer
● Attachments
All attachments that a desired avatar has attached to the body, including script count & creator profile.
● Objects
Scan objects in mouselook for script load, even objects from other owners.
Toggle the object-scanner with the LED.
● Radar
Show you up to 30 avatars sorted by distance.
Choose display names or legacy names.
Toggle the radar with the LED.
● TP 2 Cam
Instantly teleport your avatar to your camera position.
- *DS* TP-HUD (supportet since 2010-05-15)
- changeable Teleports (effects, animations, sounds & wearable effect relays)
- many useful Tools (100% legal lsl codes)
- free updates