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Dance HUD Version 2.1

Dance HUD

Gestures Dance Teleport Rezz [HUD]

maybe also have a look at the gesture font HUD at the bottom.

░░▒▓███ Limited Time- Promotional Price ███▓▒░░
Ⓠuestion: Can I use my gestures from sl for it?
Ⓐnswer: No you can't use your gestures from sl for it. You need to make your Gestures yourself like explained in the notecard inside.

You like to have your dances,landmarks and objects in a nice order and maybe script some own gestures inside the notecard of the hud for common things you say often that can be played by a hud?
Here it is :)

comes with:
1 example Animations inside
(you can add more)
21 Gestures Inside the Notecard inside the hud.
(you can add more)
1 example Landmark inside
(you can add more)
1 example Objects inside
(you can add more)

[the gestures work like real gestures. you can play sounds, say text, play animations and wait.But text will be shown in chat with the color that is used for objects.]

*no listeners (low lag)

a)How to use it.
1. if Gestures are actived on the bottom of the hud:
* click on the gestures on your hud to play them
* click on 'whisper' to whisper the gesture-text in chat
* click on 'say' to say the gesture-text in chat

2. if Animations are actived on the bottom of the hud:
* click on the animations on your hud to play them
*click on the stop animation symbol to stop the animation

3. if Landmarks are actived on the bottom of the hud:
* click on the landmarks on your hud to teleport to them

4. if Objects are actived on the bottom of the hud:
* click on the objects on your hud to rezz them

5.click on '@' to change the alpha of the hud

6.click on colored button on the right to change the color of the hud

b) Add new Gestures
1. rightclick it->go on edit
2. open the notecard inside.
3. add your own gestures like it is explained in the notecard inside the content
4. save the notecard
5. Wait until the hud is updated.
6.take the hud back to your inventory
7. wear the hud and play your gestures if you like ;)

Ⓠuestion: Can I use my gestures from sl for it?
Ⓐnswer: No you can't use your gestures from sl for it. You need to make your Gestures yourself like explained in the notecard inside.
For that you need:
*an animation (has to be in HUD content)
or it has to be one of this animations http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Internal_Animations
*text of course ;)
[If you are new to sl or have not much experience with sl this will maybe confuse you. So better try not to add new gestures then. ;)]

c)Add new Landmarks
simply drag and drop your landmarks from your inventory to the content of the hud.
The hud will update itself then. After update you will be able to teleport to them.

d)Add new Animations
(If the animations are not full perm, it seams that you have to rezz the hud inworld and then drop the animations inside. But if they are fullperm you can easy add the animations when it is attached.)
simply drag and drop your animations from your inventory to the content of the hud.
The hud will update itself then. After update you will be able to play them.

e)Add new Objects
simply drag and drop your objects from your inventory to the content of the hud.
The hud will update itself then. After update you will be able to rezz them. Take care that you put ONLY COPYABLE objects inside
the hud!

f)If you want it only be an Animation-HUD just delete the Notecard ALL_GESTURES inside it.
After that it will not take so much time anymore for updating if you put new animations in content.

enjoy it 【ツ】

If you have any further queries or improvement suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me via PM or send a notecard ;)

Thank you in advance! ☺

-seperate buttons for switching between gestures,dances,teleport and rezzing
-longer timeout [120sec instead of 20sec for invitations (dances)]
-no notifications on attach/detach
-more notifications for invite dancers
-fixed bugs

-notification for attach whispered

-now possible to invite others to dances

- now working in "no script" areas

- small bugfix

- added possibility to add objects inside and switch it to a rezz [hud]
- changed teleportation to directly teleportation with "llTeleportAgent"

- notification for detach now only to owner

- added possibility to add landmarks inside and switch it to a teleport [hud]

- First Release for selling

made by 4t mildor

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nice product
full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 14, 2011 by Bardiel Nubalo

This appears to be a very useful hud for keeping your gestures organized and close at hand, without having to open menus, or memorize input strings to activate them. very nice product for the gesture-users of SL

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 14, 2011 by Olga Soulstar

The best ever made Gestures/Animations[HUD]1.2 by 4t and its free!
Everyone must have and enjoy it. Thx to the creator!

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